Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cheree's Southwest Go Back for Seconds Salad

Yesterday I attended a Pampered Chef party. We had a fantastic salad. Unfortunately, the hostess didn't have recipes printed off for us to take away. It had a wonderful dressing which she shared the ingredients to. I never got the proportions so, I made this salad up today and "tried" to recreate yesterday's dressing for the salad to take to my Mom's house for dinner and was ecstatic about the outcome. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! We ate this with my Mom's grilled chicken which she marianates in Good Season's Italian Salad dressing. If you're not having chicken on the side, chopped grilled chicken is a great addtion to the salad!

1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
3 tablespoons water
1 packet Lipton Onion Soup Mix
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 vegetable oil

  1. Mix vinegar, water, soup mix, and garlic vigorously with a wire whisk.
  2. Add the vegetable oil.
  3. Mix again.
  4. Store chilled for up to 3 weeks.
  5. Makes approximately 1 cup of dressing


1 avocado, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
2-4 Roma tomatoes, chopped
1 can black beans, rinsed, drained, and patted dry with a paper towel
1-2 hearts romaine lettuce, chopped, rinsed, and dried (I used 2 hearts)

  1. Toss all the ingredients.
  2. Drizzle desired amount of dressing over salad (I used about 1/3 cup) and toss again.
  3. Serve immediately.


Trent and Janel Lyman said...

I love salads, especially in the summer time. This sounds so yummy!!

Bryn said...

yum time avacados are on sale......

Laura said...

ok, YUM!
I need to try this.

Erin said...

I can't wait to try this. And can I tell you how HAPPY I am that you keep a food blog/journal! You're saving my bacon (haha no pun intended)at dinner time!

michelle said...

Okay Cheree, I have to say that HANDS DOWN this is one of my favorite salads. EVER. We had this for dinner last night with the grilled italian-marinated chicken on the side. It was absolutely restaurant quality. I couldn't get enough!! My whole family
(minus David, of course) LOVED it. (I even hid the leftovers so my boys wouldn't be able to scarf them down later! This will be MY lunch tomorrow.) We will be making this over and over and over..............
I'm so glad you decided to recreate this salad! You're top chef in my (cook)book, sista. Seriously.